The Rise and Fall of Biblical Israel: The Books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings
Online Course Created with Dr. Jacob Wright
Join the live 8-lecture recordings on March 1st and 15th, to be turned into an online course!
Topics Covered:

  • What parts of Israel’s rise and fall are historical?
  • How did biblical authors weave together earlier accounts?
  • What groups wrote these books, and why?
  • How does archaeology challenge or confirm this story?
  • Why do women play such crucial roles in these biblical books?
  • Were David and Solomon real historical figures?
  • Was there ever a “United Monarchy”?

Eight Lessons:  

  • LESSON 1 - Triumph & Tragedy: The Biblical Narrative from Genesis to the Book of Kings
  • LESSON 2 - Rahab, Spies, and the Conquest of the Promised Land
  • LESSON 3 - Heroes & Warlords: From Deborah and Jael to Gideon and Jephthah
  • LESSON 4 - Power & Chaos: Samson and the Abuse of Women
  • LESSON 5 - Saul vs. David: The King, the Rival, and the Birth of a Dynasty
  • LESSON 6 - The United Monarchy: More than a Myth?
  • LESSON 7 - Ahab & Jezebel: Villains or Israel’s Saviors?
  • LESSON 8 - The Fall of Israel: Why Does the Biblical Story End with the Assyrian and Babylonian Conquests

BUNDLE PRICING!  $119.60  $59.95

Regular price for this course will be $119.60.  However, you can get this for only $59.95.


Registration Includes Lifetime Access to Seminar Recording!  You'll also get a 30% discount on all courses in our How Scholars Read the Bible series

($79.95 Value)

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  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Rise and Fall of Biblical Israel: The Books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings$59.95

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